Sunday, October 7, 2007


I'm in Barnes and Noble drinking decaf coffee, my new passion - I didn't drink any coffee for years because I don't handle the caffeine well (such a delicate creature) but all of a sudden I want it all the time. I guess passion will do that to you, and somehow you handle the side effects. Anyway, it's the strength of the flavor, I think. It's delicious, and I love how the flavour stays in your mouth and that last sip which is always sugary? Oh, mmmmm...
So I am sitting here happily breathing coffee breath while ominous clouds gather outside, and even though I should be working on a facet of my business plan that I have to show someone tomorrow, in true V. style I am instead working on showing what else I have been working on.

This is Woody, my imaginitively named Woodkin, inspired by the artwork of Lauren Mills in the book 'Fairy Wings'. Her work in that book drives my creative heart into a little frenzy and every time I open it I have a surge of delight and inspiration. Not a lot of time though, so he is all I have managed so far. But I do have plans - big plans. As always.

His face and body are needlefelted, his boots and tunic are wet felted and he has little bead buttons on his boots and embroidery as well as his buckeye hat. He's about 8" tall - a nice, substantial little handful of Woodkin.

Here he is posing in the park where I like to walk in the mornings and listening to the birds.
And now I am off into the ominously darkening day to clean a house - but not my own, unfortunately.
Oh, and if you stop by here - leave a comment, will you please? I know you've been here, I have my sources, and yea, I lurk too, I do, so I understand how you feel. But I lurk on sites where people are getting 40 comments - they don't need mine. But I need yours, I do.
You know how to do it, right? Just hit the little link that says how many comments there are. Be anonymous if you like. But I need you. I. need. you. You.


Nanette said...
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Harley said...

Lurker, reporting you duty, ma'am!


Anonymous said...

Long time lurker, first time poster, responding to a fellow sister-in-need!

Woody is quite lovely, by the way. Are there more woodkin kin in the works?


Nanette said...

Woody is just lovely, clever girl. Hope you find a few moments to make some more.

Maureen said...

Oh Vanessa! Woody is as gorgeous as belle said!
The new home looks terrific .....I hope it weaves its special magic for all the family.